

Enhance Your Hike With a Trekking GPS

If Burke and Wills had a trekking GPS they'd have probably lived. If they had a helicopter they'd have been home in time for dinner, too. But that's not the point.

The point is that while the humble map and compass still remain necessities for outdoor adventurers, compact and lightweight trekking GPS units have become cost-effective and reliable enough to now constitute standard trekking equipment.

But trekking GPS units don't just back-up a map and compass, they compliment them by offering the user more detailed and visualised information on the terrain they're venturing in.

Keep on track so you can get back

With accuracy down to a few metres and functions like way-points that remind you where to go, and bread crumb trails that allow you to follow your own path back, trekking GPS units are fundamental trekking equipment if you want to make your trip the safest possible.

But it's folly to purchase just any hand-held trekking GPS. Particular devices are suited to particular uses. For instance, as a piece of trekking equipment, you want to make sure that your GPS has a visual map screen where you can see where you are relative to your surroundings. Some GPS receivers only tell you your longitude and latitude position.

Research pays off

 You'll also need to consider the battery life depending on the duration and remoteness of your trip. And you'll need to think about the conditions you expect. Look into whether you need a water-proof, shock-proof, weather-proof or all-of-the-above-proof trekking GPS.

 With thirty-three years in the communication business, Time Plus Communication can advise you on which GarminMagellan or VMS trekking GPS best suits your needs.

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